Have you ever encountered knots, cracks, or splits in your woodwork projects? If so, you're not alone. Luckily, there's a simple and effective solution: Knot Filler. This product is designed to repair all kinds of wood defects quickly and easily.
Here's how it works:
- Turn on the Knot Filler gun and let it heat for 3 minutes.
- Place a Knot Filler stick in the Knot Filler gun.
- Shoot the Knot Filler into the knot/repair, ensuring a fast application.
- Quickly place a cooling iron/block on the Knot Filler and let it cool off.
- Cut off excess Knot Filler with a cutting tool once the repair has cooled and the cooling iron/block easily comes off.
- Sand the repair with sanding paper - by hand or machine.
- Now, your repair is ready for surface treatment! Use oil, lacquer, stain, paint, etc.
What makes Knot Filler stand out? Not only is it durable, flexible, and water-repellent, but it's also non-toxic, making it safe for both users and the environment. Since 1992, Knot Filler has been the flagship product of the Wood Repair brand. It is trusted by industry professionals, woodworking companies, DIYers, and woodworkers.
Experience the revolution in wood repair with Knot Filler! Shop online here!